


时间:2024-12-25  来源:     点击数:

周扬,博士,特聘副教授,硕士生导师,从事水稻稻瘟病抗性,产量、发育和抗病性的协同调控机制研究,以及水稻乙烯生物学的研究。在水稻乙烯信号转导,乙烯与生长素互作,乙烯调控细胞壁合成的分子机制中取得进展。以第一作者(或兼共同通讯作者),共同第一作者在国际著名期刊PNAS(2018,2018),Plant Cell(2022,2024),Small Methods(2020)发表论文5篇;在Nat. Commun.,New Phytol.,Plant Biotechnol. J.等著名期刊上,以共同作者发表论文7篇。已获国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目资助1项(2021.01-2023.12),获发明专利1项。


2024-12至今四川农业大学,九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站,特聘副教授














1. Yang Zhou#,*, Yihong Gao#, Baocai Zhang#, Hanlei Yang, Yanbao Tian, Yihua Huang, Cuicui Yin, Jianjun Tao, Wei Wei, Wanke Zhang, Shouyi Chen, Yihua Zhou*, Jinsong Zhang*;CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-LIKE C proteins modulate cell wall establishment during ethylene-mediated root growth inhibition in rice,Plant Cell, 2024, 36, 3751–3769.https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koae195(兼共同通讯作者)

2. Yang Zhou#, Biao Ma#, Jian-Jun Tao, Cui-Cui Yin, Yang Hu, Pei-Yong Xin, Jin-Fang Chu, Si-Jie He, Wan-Ke Zhang, Shou-Yi Chen*, Jin-Song Zhang*; Rice EIL1 interacts with OsIAAs to regulate auxin biosynthesis mediated by the tryptophan aminotransferase MHZ10/OsTAR2 during root ethylene responses,Plant Cell,2022, 34, 4366-4387.https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac250

3. Yang Zhou, Qing Xiong, Cui-Cui Yin, Biao Ma, Shou-Yi Chen, Jin-Song Zhang*; Ethylene biosynthesis, signaling, and crosstalk with other hormones in rice,Small Methods, 2020 (4), 1900278.https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.201900278

4.Biao Ma#,Yang Zhou#, Hui Chen#, Si-Jie He, Yi-Hua Huang, He Zhao, Xiang Lu, Wan-Ke Zhang, Jin-Huan Pang, Shou-Yi Chen*, Jin-Song Zhang*; Membrane protein MHZ3 stabilizes OsEIN2 in rice by interacting with its Nramp-like domain,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 2018, 115(10): 2520-2525.https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1718377115(共同第一作者)

5.Hui Chen#, Biao Ma#,Yang Zhou#, Si-Jie He, San-Yuan Tang, Xiang Lu, Qi Xie, Shou-Yi Chen*, Jin-Song Zhang*;E3 ubiquitin ligase SOR1 regulates ethylene response in rice root by modulating stability of Aux/IAA protein,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 2018, 115(17): 4513-4518.https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1719387115(共同第一作者)

6.Huang, Y.-H., Han, J.-Q., Ma, B., Cao, W.-Q., Li, X.-K., Xiong, Q., Zhao, H., Zhao, R., Zhang, X.,Zhou, Y., Wei, W., Tao, J.-J., Zhang, W.-K., Qian, W., Chen, S.-Y., Yang, C., Yin, C.-C., and Zhang, J.-S. (2023). A translational regulator MHZ9 modulates ethylene signaling in rice.Nat. Commun.14, 4674.

7.Li, X.-K., Huang, Y.-H., Zhao, R., Cao, W.-Q., Lu, L., Han, J.-Q.,Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Wu, W.-A., Tao, J.-J., Wei, W., Zhang, W.-K., Chen, S.-Y., Ma, B., Zhao, H., Yin, C.-C., and Zhang, J.-S. (2024). Membrane protein MHZ3 regulates the on-off switch of ethylene signaling in rice.Nat. Commun.15, 5987.

8.Xiong, Q., Ma, B., Lu, X., Huang, Y.H., He, S.J., Yang, C., Yin, C.C., Zhao, H.,Zhou, Y., Zhang, W.K., Wang, W.S., Li, Z.K., Chen, S.Y., and Zhang, J.S. (2017). Ethylene-inhibited jasmonic acid biosynthesis promotes mesocotyl/coleoptile elongation of etiolated rice seedlings.Plant Cell29, 1053-1072.

9.Zhao, R., Wu, W.A., Huang, Y.H., Li, X.K., Han, J.Q., Jiao, W., Su, Y.N., Zhao, H.,Zhou, Y., Cao, W.Q., Zhang, X., Wei, W., Zhang, W.K., Song, Q.X., He, X.J., Ma, B., Chen, S.Y., Tao, J.J., Yin, C.C., and Zhang, J.S. (2024). An RRM domain protein SOE suppresses transgene silencing in rice.New Phytol.243, 1724-1741.

10.Liu, C., Ma, T., Yuan, D.,Zhou, Y., Long, Y., Li, Z., Dong, Z., Duan, M., Yu, D., Jing, Y., Bai, X., Wang, Y., Hou, Q., Liu, S., Zhang, J.-S., Chen, S.-Y., Li, D., Liu, X., Li, Z., Wang, W., Li, J., Wei, X., Ma, B., and Wan, X. (2022). The OsEIL1-OsERF115-target gene regulatory module controls grain size and weight in rice.Plant Biotechnol. J.20, 1470-1486.

11. Yin, C.-C., Huang, Y.-H., Zhang, X.,Zhou, Y., Chen, S.-Y., and Zhang, J.-S. (2023). Ethylene-mediated regulation of coleoptile elongation in rice seedlings.Plant Cell Environ.46, 1060-1074.

12. Tao, J.-J., Yin, C.-C.,Zhou, Y., Huang, Y.-H., Chen, S.-Y., and Zhang, J.-S. (2024). The universal and divergent roles of ethylene in rice and some other crop plants under salt stress.Environ. Exp. Bot.217, 105555.

13.周扬,刘薇,孙石,韩天富,侯文胜*;大豆再生相关基因GmWUS的克隆及表达分析.油料作物学报, 2014, 36(6): 707-712.



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