学历/学位:博士 Degree:Doctor
职称/职务:副教授 Title: AssociateProfessor
师资类型:教学科研岗 Class of teachers:Teaching and Scientific Research
2011.09-2016.07 南京农业大学植物保护学院 农学博士
2006.09-2010.06 江西农业大学九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站 农学学士
2022.02–今 九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站 副教授
2017.04–2021.09 密西根州立大学(Michigan State University) 昆虫系博士后
2.基因调控和演化Gene Regulation and Evolution
美国NSF, Molecular and Evolutionary Mechanisms Underlying Desiccation Resistance Across Drosophila Species,2021-2024,在研,参加.
Li M, Gong C, Zhang Y, Zhao X, Jia Y,Pu J, Liu X, Xu X, Wang X*. Differences in susceptibility to chlorantraniliprole betweenChilo suppressalis(Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and two dominant parasitic wasps collected from Sichuan Province, China.Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2022,185: 105150.
Gong C, Ruan Y, Zhang Y, Wang Q, Wu Y, Zhan X, He Y, Liu X, Liu X,Pu J, Wang X*. Resistance ofSogatella furciferato triflumezopyrim mediated with the overexpression ofCYPSF01which was regulated by nuclear receptor USP.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 238:117535.
Pu J*, Wang Z*, Cong H…Chung H. Repression precedes independent evolutionary gains of a highly specific gene expression pattern.Cell Reports, 2021,37,109896.
Pu J, Wang Z, Chung H. Climate change and the genetics of insecticide resistance.Pest Management Science, 2020, 76(3): 846-852.
Darling E,Pu J, Cole E…Chung H. First Report of the Hop Cyst Nematode,Heterodera humuli, in Two Counties of the Yakima Valley Region, WA, USA.Plant Disease, 2020 105 (4), 1228-1228
Cole E,Pu J, Chung H, Quintanilla M. Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and Verticillium dahliae in Michigan potatoes.Phytopathology, 2019, 110: 1226-1234
Finet C, Slavik K,Pu J,Carroll S B,Chung H.Birth-and-death evolution of the fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) gene family and diversification of cuticular hydrocarbon synthesis inDrosophila.GenomeBiology and Evolution, 2019, 11(6): 1541-1551.
Elzaki M E A, Miah, M A, Wu M, Zhang H,Pu J, Jiang L, & Han Z. Imidacloprid is degraded by CYP353D1v2, a cytochrome P450 overexpressed in a resistant strain ofLaodelphax striatellus.Pest Management Science, 2017, 73(7), 1358-1363.
Sun H,Pu J, Chen F…Han Z. Multiple ATP‐binding cassette transporters are involved in insecticide resistance in the small brown planthopper,Laodelphax striatellus.Insect Molecular Biology, 2017, 26(3): 343-355
Pu J, Sun H, Wang J…Han Z. Multiple cis-acting elements involved in up-regulation of a cytochrome P450 gene conferring resistance to deltamethrin in small brown planthopper,Laodelphax striatellus(Fallén).Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2016, 78: 20-28.
Wang K, Peng Y,Pu J…Han Z. Variation in RNAi efficacy among insect species is attributable to dsRNA degradation in vivo.Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2016, 77: 1-9.
Lu D, Wu M,Pu J…Han Z. A functional study of two dsRNA binding protein genes inLaodelphaxstriatellus.Pest Management Science, 2013, 69(9): 1034-1039.
Zhang Q, Lu D H,Pu J…Han Z. Cloning and RNA interference effects of trehalase genes inLaodelphaxstriatellus(Homoptera: Delphacidae).Acta Entomologica Sinica, 2012, 55(8): 911-920.