1980年生,中共党员,理学博士,种子科学与技术专业讲师。1999.09—2003.06:西南农业大学本科;2003.09—2006.06:四川农业大学硕士;2006.9-2011.12:四川农业大学博士;2012.02—2013.02:美国爱荷华州立大学博士后。2012.01至今在九州体育(JiuZhou Sports)官方网站植物遗传育种学系从事教学科研工作,主要研究玉米种子中淀粉合成代谢的分子调控机理。主研参加国家863项目1项(2008AA10Z123),国家自然科学基金1项(31071354);国家转基因专项2项(2008ZX08003-001, 2009ZX08003-022B)。
1. Yu-Feng Hu, Yang-Ping Li, Junjie Zhang, Hanmei Liu, Mengliang Tian, Yubi Huang. Binding of ABI4 to a CACCG motif mediates the ABA-induced expression of the ZmSSI gene in maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. J Exp Bot, 2012, 63(16): 5979-5989
2. Yu-Feng Hu, Yang-Ping Li, Junjie Zhang, Hanmei Liu, Zhiyu Chen, Yubi Huang. PzsS3a, a novel endosperm specific promoter from maize (Zea mays L.) induced by ABA. Biotech Lett, 2011, 33(7): 1465-1471
3. Binquan Huang, Jiang Chen, Junjie Zhang, Hanmei Liu, Mengliang Tian, Yong Gu, Yufeng Hu, Yangping Li, Yinghong Liu, Yubi Huang. Characterization of ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase Encoding Genes in Source and Sink Organs of Maize. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2011, 29: 563-572
4. Junjie Zhang, Yufeng Hu, Yubi Huang. Relationship between activities of key enzymes involved in starch synthesis and accumulation in maize inbred lines during grain filling. Russ J Plant Physiol, 2008, 55(2): 249-255